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2024-03-30 21:15


LESSON 01 I BELONG TO GLASGOWThe penny dropped.(终于听明白了,恍然大悟。)ten to one(十有八九)chauffeur(富人或要人的汽车司机)Q:What is the correct address for member of parliament (MP)?(议会成员的正确称呼是什么?)A:Right Honourable. (←来自弹幕的答案,未核实)LESSON 02 WHO LOVES YA BABY?horse和hoarse同音mare和mayor同音relegate(使降级)pram(婴儿车)【拼写规则】[偷偷吐个槽:我当年学英语时要是老师讲了这些该多好]1. I before E except after C. (补充:油炸叔主持的Qi s08e14提到了这个规则,实际上有大量单词[923个]并不遵守这个规则,如species字母C后面是ie而非ei,而being, weird, caffeine等单词,e在i之前,但前面并不是字母c。据油炸叔说,现在学校里已经不再教这一条规则。)2. Q is always followed by U.【Q&A】Q: Give a single noun to replace the following phrases: a person who has reached the age of one hundred.A: Centenarian.Q: The feminine of horse.A: Mare.【Mr. Brown哄小Baby时唱的歌】“Rock A Bye Baby”,好像是首经典的摇篮曲,暂未查到作者和年代。歌曲链接:http://music.163.com/#/song?id=5179977。男声版:http://music.163.com/#/song?id=4023477LESSON 03 NO FLOWERS BY REQUESTbe not oneself(身体不舒服)Hobson's choice(Meaning: No real choice at all - the only options being to either accept or refuse the offer that is given to you.)a dog in the manger(占着茅坑不拉屎的人)berth(卧铺)sleeping car(卧铺车厢)philistine(市侩,庸人)【rhyming slang】brown bread = dead【Q&A关于英国历史文化】Q: Who is known as the father of television?A: Logie Baird.Q: Who is the prince of Wales?A: Prince Charles. [将近40年过去了,答案还没变]Q: Which recent king of England was never crowned?A: Edward, Duke of Windsor.Q: Where is the term ‘Gladstone bag’ come from?A: Gladstone bag is the name given to a bag made popular by one of our prime ministers, William Ewart Gladstone.Q: What function does the mais have in the house of commons?A: (夏末秋字幕组给的翻译是“市政会计和信息系统”,但是死活查不到啊。一方面不知道是不是MAIS这四个字母,另一方面不知道这是什么的缩写。Management Accounting Information System?)Q: Who is Shakespeare’s wife?A: Anne Hathaway.[竟然和某演员重名了]Q: Who wrote ‘Upon Westminister Bridge’? [按,原题目似应为‘Composed Upon Westminister Bridge’]A: Wordsworth.Q: Who wrote ‘To A Field Mouse’? [按,题目好像应该是‘To A Mouse’]A: Robert Burns.Q: ‘The Pirates of Penzance’.A: One of the Savoy operas by Gilbert and Sullivan.(注:Savoy operas是19世纪末源自伦敦萨伏伊剧院的喜歌剧,Gilbert and Sullivan是其代表。)[为自己的无知哭泣,完全没听说过啊QAQ]Q: Handel’s ‘Largo’.A: (出自歌剧Xerxes。←答案来自弹幕)Q: Who is known as the Black Prince?A: Edward, the son of Edward the third.Q: Who invented the cotton spinning machine?A: Richard Arkwright.【这一集还有好多点,字幕组理解错了,弹幕里有纠正,不一一整理了。】LESSON 04 JUST THE JOBcommendable(值得表扬的,值得称赞的)scintillating([谈话、表演]生动活泼、妙趣横生的)geezer(古怪的人,老头)bury the hatchet(和解,停战)circular letter(邀请函)“People who live in glass houses should not throw stones.”(责人先责己,勿揭人短)【rhyming slang】rabbit and cork = talk【名词的阴阳性】drake~duckLESSON 05 GUILTY OR NOT GUILTYmagistrate(地方法官,治安官)on the bench(任法官)JP(Justice of the Peace,太平绅士,治安法官。由政府委任民间人士担任维持社区安宁、防止非法刑罚及处理一些较简单的法律程序的职衔。)hooligan(小流氓,无赖)presiding(主持会议的,指挥的)fray(打斗,争吵)mouthpiece(喉舌,代言人)mitigate([使]缓和、减轻)lenient(宽容的、仁慈的)take the stand(出庭作证,上证人席)rest one's case(陈述完毕)comply(遵从,依从)stand down(退下,下台)clemency(宽容,仁慈)【片中出现的两首歌】1. Ranjeet和Jamila划船的背景歌曲是苏格兰民谣歌手Josh MacRae的’ messing about on the river’。歌曲链接:https://y.qq.com/portal/song/002fHxuE4HpzIe.html?ADTAG=baiduald&play=12. Anna和Ali在动物园的背景歌曲是儿歌”Going to The Zoo”。歌曲链接:http://music.163.com/#/song?id=18304981LESSON 06 REPENT AT LEISUREin lieu of(代替)twit(笨蛋)pull my leg(开玩笑)let one’s hair down(轻松、自然;把心里话说出来)in the same boat(处境相同)predicament(困境,窘况)concoct(捏造,策划)LESSON 07 THE SCHOOL FETEjumble(待义卖的杂旧物)bathroom scale(体重秤)up the creek (without a paddle)(一筹莫展,陷入僵局,进退两难)impersonate(模仿,假扮)boutique(精品店,女士时装店)kinky(变态的,古怪的)LESSON 08 WHAT A TANGLED WEBto see a man about a dog/horse(usually used as a way to say one needs to apologize for one's imminent departure or absence—generally to euphemistically conceal one's true purpose, such as going to use the toilet or going to buy a drink.)sail through(顺利通过)sorcerer(= wizard)frivolous(轻浮的,草率的;无聊的,无用的)a horse of a different color(完全是另一回事)old girl(If you refer to an old or middle-aged woman as an old girl, you are referring to her in a disrespectful way.)take the plunge(冒险尝试)infatuation(着迷,迷恋)rise above(克服,摆脱,不受……影响)OHMS: On Her Majesty ServiceGC: George Cross(乔治十字勋章)as wise as Solomon/ an owl‘To err is human, to forgive divine.’—— Alexander Pope, ‘An Essay on Criticism’
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